About Us
Reaching New Heights Foundation Inc.
Reaching New Heights Foundation (RNHF) provides an array of services that assist Veterans transitioning from active duty, incarceration, or homelessness. Services are provided through collaboration with local and government agencies to build pride and stability. Our Mentor Program generates a roadmap for success through interaction and accountability. Veterans Awareness Resources (VAR) provides Veterans assistance in applying for VA disability compensation, healthcare, burial benefits, obtaining medical records and many other VA benefits. Our association with the County Veterans Service offices in Riverside and San Bernardino provides many of the services connecting Veterans to benefits that they have earned. RNHF has several memorandums of understanding, letters of support from Riverside and San Bernardino County Veteran Service Departments.
Professional counseling services are available to Veterans struggling with PTSD, Traumatic Brain Injury, or Military Sexual Trauma. These invisible wounds often lead to criminal cases that require assistance. RNHF’s involvement in the Veteran Treatment Court (VTC) actively engages Veterans in treatment. RNHF helps Veterans break through legal barriers by referring them to supported professionals of Riverside and San Bernardino County District Attorney’s Public Defender Offices.
RNHF collaborates with HEROS warehouse that will donate household goods to Veterans. We recognize the importance of employment and its connection to a successful recovery. We have established a partnership with Stronghold Engineering and the America’s Job Centers of California. These organizations assist Veterans in returning to work. Job Coaching provides resources on financial literacy and tools to complete a resume, job search and interview preparation. We partner and collaborate with many of our local colleges: California State University San Bernardino, Chaffey Community College, UTI, Riverside Community College, Norco Community College and University of Phoenix to assist Veterans in reaching their educational goals and housing needs.
RNHF annually host The Ruck Challenge 10K Walk/Run. The Ruck Challenge encourages positive interaction between Veterans, community and law enforcement. The Ruck Challenge is a fun healthy competition that focuses on teamwork, endurance, strength, and strategy. The event raises funds to sustain our support to Veteran’s needs. We welcome the opportunity to partner and continue the vision to “Serve those who have served”.
We deliver our services through the Impact Partners Recovery Programs: Veterans Treatment Court (Veteran mentor coordinator Riverside and San Bernardino counties and community resources coordinator), Gap Funds (Emergency funding for Veterans), Adult Retry Program, Warm Hand-Off (provides connects, direction and resources for formally incarcerated Veterans), and Consulting (leadership, strategic planning, Community event planning).
Sgt. Major Greg Coker (Ret),
Mission Statement
“Serving Those Who Served” Providing for Veterans suffering as a result of their military service. Creating a partnership network that can effectively work to result issues and facilitate resource that are essential for Veterans success.
Our vision is to make a positive impact in the lives of Veterans. Help Veterans overcome the barriers they face after their military service.
Non-Profit - IRS EIN
Connect With Us:
Reaching New Heights Foundation, Inc.
4053 Chestnut St., Suite 203
Riverside, CA 92501
Click Here for Map & Directions
320 N “E” St., Suite 507, San Bernardino CA 92401