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Kevin Alsina was raised by his mother in a single-parent household. While growing up, he loved and excelled at the game of basketball. During the 1980’s, Kevin served with the US Army in Germany as a Chaparral Missile crewman, earning a Good Conduct Medal. Returning to civilian life, Kevin applied to California Baptist University in Riverside with financial assistance earned via his G.I. Bill benefits. There, he joyously resumed his competitive basketball career. Unfortunately, a severe knee injury ended his playing career.
Consequently, Kevin’s previously-successful life suddenly lost purpose. Basketball meant much more to his self-worth than he’d ever imagined. His subsequent mobility disability, pain-killer acquaintance, depression, consuming frustrations, and emotional fragility drew him toward alcohol abuse, a sudden disregard for authority, racially-fueled arguments and fist fights, and an ill-directed, unsatisfying quest for self-esteem. He flunked out of college due to his excessive partying and drinking. Kevin felt that he had become a cultural misfit. He was no longer making responsible choices for himself; he was no longer pleased with himself. Meaningful employment became sporadic. Kevin sought other means to generate money to provide for his young family. A series of petty crimes led to a series of felony crimes; four incarcerations followed.
This confused young man was struggling with false pride, deep-rooted control issues, and feeling of emotional inadequacy. During this funk, he became suspicious of other people’s perceptions of him. Unfortunately, satisfactory solutions eluded him for 14 years. Kevin admits that he was seeking materialism to restore elusive respect and acceptance. Now, he is thankful that he has since found fully-satisfying inner peace.
By cultivating a genuine relationship with a forgiving higher-power, Kevin has since discovered previously-elusive solutions within himself. With God’s grace, he relearned to accept personal accountability for his decisions and actions. Kevin regained his ability to believe in himself and achieve for himself with revived pride and dignity. To remain focused, Kevin acknowledges that it takes concentrated daily persistence. Self-discovery and revelations do not occur “overnight.”
Today, Kevin, who walks with the assistance of a cane, aspires to be a humble man, a generous man, a disciplined man, not passing erroneous judgment on others. During 2016, Kevin graduated San Bernardino Valley College with three Associate of Arts degrees in Social & Behavioral Sciences, Human Services, and Sociology with an aggregate 3.75 GPA. Soon thereafter, he graduated the Veterans for Justice Boot Camp sponsored by the National Association of Drug Court Professionals. Kevin is currently attending California State University pursuing a B.A. degree in Sociology. He also serves as a volunteer Veteran Mentor for the County of San Bernardino Veteran Treatment Court (VTC), living the oath “I will leave no veteran behind.”
“Serving Those Who Served”
Non-Profit - IRS EIN
Connect With Us:
Reaching New Heights Foundation, Inc.
4053 Chestnut St., Suite 203
Riverside, CA 92501
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320 N “E” St., Suite 507, San Bernardino CA 92401